» Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:25 am
After detecting shots for a film, I want to use the "Shot validation view" to go through and fix up the problems with shot boundaries. They are often off by one, which means there are many duplicate images when I eventually generate a summary of the entire film.
I select "Adjust annotation bounds" and the Shot validation view opens. I wait for it to slowly refresh all of the thumbnails, but often it never seems to finish. Several of the thumbnails are just grey squares with a clock icon. Even if I click "Refresh snapshots", they don't refresh. As I click through from cut to cut, I see the same thing for each cut: 3 or 4 of the thumbnails do not display. So, I can't see where to place the cut.
According to the green icon in the lower right-hand corner of the Advene window, there is no snapshot activity while I am waiting. It does a little bit when I click the Refresh button, but most of the thumbnails don't ever refresh. If I try double-clicking on an annotation in the Timeline view, I get an edit window, but it's the same problem: the thumbnails are often grey.
I have tried "Reset ImageCache" and "Update annotation screenshots" but it doesn't seem to help.
Any suggestions?