cinematicity wrote: (1) After I do "detect shots" on my video, I select "Adjust annotation bounds". I notice that every auto-detected annotation begins on the second frame of the shot. This makes me think there is an off-by-one error in the code that processes the results from shotdetect. Would be good if this could be fixed -- it takes a chunk of time to go through 400+ shots in a film to fix this.
cinematicity wrote: (2) Next, if I double-click on an annotation, (for example, let's say it's #278), I get a popup to edit it. The thumbnails for the beginning and ending shots look wrong, because the ending thumbnail is actually from the next shot, #279, even after I adjust it in the shot validation view.
Moreover, the timecode for the end point does not correspond to what I am seeing in the shot validation view. For example, the shot validation view shows 00:59:00.620 as the beginning frame, and 00:59:15.178 as the end frame, but the annotation editing view shows 00:59:00.620 for the beginning and 00:59:15.217 as the end point — not the same. The end point in the edit view is the time code for the first frame of the next shot in the validation view.
At this point, I am confused by what I am seeing. The numbers are not consistent between the various views. Which one is correct? Could there be several off-by-one bugs in the Advene code (i.e. in the shotdetect code, and in the validation view)?
cinematicity wrote: Beyond this, there are a number of rough edges in the GUI that make it slower than necessary to validate annotations.
(3) The "Adjust annotation bounds" popup always starts from annotation #1. Could it start from the currently selected annotation, so I don't have to type in that number every time I need to adjust annotation bounds? (Or, is there some workflow I'm not understanding here?)
cinematicity wrote: (4) By default, the GUI setting for "Open popups" is "as a popup window". The behavior of these windows is really rough. The shot validation popup opens at the edge of the screen with the lower part actually off the screen, and it doesn't remember its location, so I must move the popup window back onto the screen each time.
cinematicity wrote: If I double-click to edit the details of an annotation, and then try to use the previous/next buttons, the whole popup window re-opens and changes to a different size. This behavior is quite awkward, so I finally just switched the popup behavior to "embedded east of the video". IMHO, it might be good to make this the default setting, at least until the problems with popup windows have been fixed.
cinematicity wrote: (5) Finally, this is kind of a minor point but the view menus are labeled "… embedded east/west/south … " -- I have to visualize a map of the world to understand this. Something like "left/right/below" might be more obvious.
oaubert wrote: I though that I fixed the shotdetector to produce correct annotations, but it appears that I did not do it yet. I have just fixed this, and we will try to release a fixed version soon.