I've created a very simple static view to summarize my annotations and include a thumbnail for each one. I'm impressed that i can generate a customized summary and view it in a web browser -- very cool. The part of the HTML template to produce the thumbnail looks like this:
- Code: Select all
<img class="screenshot" tal:attributes="src a/snapshot_url" />
And the resulting HTML looks like this:
- Code: Select all
<img src="/packages/My_Movie/imagecache/1532449" class="screenshot" />
I don't really understand the TALES part of this, but it looks like the thumbnail is generated from start point of the annotation.
If possible, I would like to have the thumbnail come from the middle of the annotation rather than the beginning.
Is there a way to do this?
The only thing I can figure is that I might be able to embed some Python code into the template that calculates the difference between the stop and start points, and then computes a frame number in the middle of the sequence. It looks like Advene will generate a jpeg of any frame if I just refresh the browser. Am not sure on the details here, though.
Any suggestions?