Live subtitles ?

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Live subtitles ?

Post by marcolino » Thu May 22, 2008 3:11 pm

my compliments for your work, to begin with ... ;-)
Does Advene support acquisition of an audio/video stream from a capture card ? My objective would be to be able to add live subtitles to video conferences.
Thans in advance for your attention


Re: Live subtitles ?

Post by Pierre-Antoine Champin » Thu May 22, 2008 7:13 pm


thanks for your encouragements, to begin with ;-)

I do not have a full answer to your question : Olivier Aubert, who's not available right now, will complete it as soon as he can.

The answer to your question is "it depends"... as always.
It depends on the operating system you are using.

If you are using Linux (some do...), I know it is possible, but Olivier is the only one (to the best of my knowledge) to do it and know how :) If there is a more generalized need (and multiplying the number of users by two is enough of a generialization IMHO), I guess he will make it more accessible in to GUI.

If you are using Windows or MacOS, well, I'm affraid it is not possible right now (again, Olivier might correct me). The reason is quite technical, but we are working on unifying that so that it will eventually be possible in Windows (I don't know about Mac at this stage).

I'm sorry I can not be more precise for the moment...

Pierre-Antoine Champin

Re: Live subtitles ?

Post by marcolino » Tue May 27, 2008 1:00 pm

Hi, pierre,
thanks for your answer.
I'm using both Linux and Windows (guess which one I prefer ... ?)
Should it be possible to be guided to use Advene - under Linux - to use live acquisition ?
Thanks again !


Re: Live subtitles ?

Post by Guest » Wed May 28, 2008 2:22 pm

Hello Marcolino

It is possible to annotate a live video while recording it. On Linux, you can use the gstrecorder player plugin that will record from a video4linux2 source. Since it is yet a non-usual practice, there is no GUI to activate it. Here is a simple how-to:

- start Advene with the appropriate option : advene -pgstrecorder
- make sure that this pseudo-player plugin has been activated: look for "mediacontrol: using gstrecorder" into the message log file ~/.advene/advene.log
- specify the output video file through the Edit/Package properties/Associated media dialog.
- start recording by using the Play button (or the Control-Tab shortcut).
- use the annotation tools (note-taking view, bookmarks, etc).
- to stop recording, use the Stop button. Note that in recording mode, the pause button or shortcut is inactive (it is a live video stream anyway).

Final note: since Advene memorizes the last used player, you have to specify
advene -pgstreamer
on the next run to get a real player.

It should not be difficult to achieve the same effect using VLC, since VLC also supports v4l2 devices on linux, and directshow input devices (I think). I can provide advice if someone is interested in writing a support plugin for it.


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