
The main Advene documentation can be found on the Advene wiki, including various FAQs. You are invited to contribute to this documentation.

The AdA project created a manual (english and german versions), that provides useful information, many of which applies to Advene in general.

If you think you have found a bug, or have a feature request, please use the bug tracker. If you have general questions about using Advene, please post a message on the forum.

We previously had a self-hosted forum, but spammers unfortunately made it a too huge task to properly handle. For reference, we have kept a read-only archive of this old forum with questions/answers mostly about Advene1 but many answers still apply to more recent Advene versions.

Additionally, you may contact us by mail at contact -at-, or on Twitter.

Sponsoring development

Advene is a contribution to the free software ecosystem. However, to make this ecosystem sustainable, financial resources are needed. You can support Advene by funding maintenance, bug fixes or the development of new features for your specific needs. Please contact us for discussing your needs and possibilities.